What is the name associated with pieces of work that are made by people who have had little or no formal schooling in art . Are they call Folk or Fold or Fad or personal

The name associated with pieces of work made by people who have had little or no formal schooling in art is "Folk Art." Folk art encompasses various forms of artistic expression such as paintings, sculptures, textiles, ceramics, and other crafts created by individuals within a specific cultural or regional context. It is often characterized by its simplicity, vibrant use of color, and a strong connection to cultural traditions and heritage.

The name associated with pieces of work made by people who have had little or no formal schooling in art is called "Folk Art."

The term associated with pieces of work made by people who have had little or no formal schooling in art is known as "Folk Art."

To find this answer, you could start by conducting a general internet search using keywords like "art made by self-taught artists," "art created by untrained individuals," or "definition of folk art." This will lead you to various sources that describe and explain the concept of folk art. Additionally, you can explore books, articles, or academic sources that delve into the topic of folk art to gain a deeper understanding of its history and characteristics.