The Egyptians believed that doing 3 things would assure a successful afterlife. Which of the following is NOT one of those things?

(2 points)

preserving the body through mummification
preserving the body through mummification

producing portraits of the deceased to disseminate among the family
producing portraits of the deceased to disseminate among the family

protecting the body in a tomb in which the name of the deceased was inscribed.
protecting the body in a tomb in which the name of the deceased was inscribed.

providing the body with food and drink, or illustrations of it in case no one was available to make the offerings.

producing portraits of the deceased to disseminate among the family

producing portraits of the deceased to disseminate among the family

To determine which of the following options is NOT one of the things that the Egyptians believed would assure a successful afterlife, we need to analyze each option.

1. Preserving the body through mummification:
Mummification was indeed a crucial belief in ancient Egyptian culture. They believed that preserving the body after death was necessary for the deceased to have a successful afterlife. Therefore, this option aligns with the belief.

2. Producing portraits of the deceased to disseminate among the family:
While the Egyptians placed great importance on representing the deceased through portraits, it was not one of the specific actions believed to ensure a successful afterlife. Portraits were created to help the family remember and honor the deceased, but it was not directly linked to the afterlife.

3. Protecting the body in a tomb in which the name of the deceased was inscribed:
The Egyptians believed that protecting the body in a tomb was essential for the afterlife. They also believed that inscribing the name of the deceased on the tomb would help ensure their eternal existence. Therefore, this option aligns with the belief.

4. Providing the body with food and drink, or illustrations of it in case no one was available to make the offerings:
This option also corresponds to the Egyptian belief. The Egyptians believed that the deceased required sustenance in the afterlife, so they provided them with food and drink offerings. If no one was available to make physical offerings, illustrations of food and drink would substitute for the actual items.

Based on the analysis, the option that is NOT one of the things believed to assure a successful afterlife is:

2. Producing portraits of the deceased to disseminate among the family