A legato mark in a score mean to _____?

• Connect the notes smoothly
• Separate the notes by making each on short
• Play the notes long, but with separation
• Play the note with extra emphasis

Connect the notes smoothly

A legato mark in a score means to connect the notes smoothly.

The correct answer is: Connect the notes smoothly.

To determine this, you can refer to musical notation and theory. A legato mark is a curved line that is placed above or below a series of notes. It indicates that the musician should play the notes in a connected and smooth manner, without any separation or shortening of the duration of each note.

Legato is derived from an Italian word which means "tied together," and it signifies that the notes should be played in a flowing and seamless manner, almost as if they are being tied together with a musical thread. This smoothness helps to create a sense of continuity and fluidity in the music.

It is important for musicians to understand and interpret various musical notations like the legato mark in order to accurately convey the composer's intended musical expression and style.