Which stage in the demographic transition model has rapidly growing populations due to a high birth rate and low death rate

A. Stage three
B. Stage one
C. Stage two
D. Stage four

C. Stage two

The stage in the demographic transition model with rapidly growing populations due to a high birth rate and low death rate is:

C. Stage two

The stage in the demographic transition model that has rapidly growing populations due to a high birth rate and low death rate is Stage Two.

To understand how to arrive at this answer, let's go through the different stages of the demographic transition model and their characteristics:

1. Stage One (Pre-Industrial): In this stage, both birth rates and death rates are high, resulting in a small population growth rate. This is predominantly observed in pre-industrial societies with limited access to healthcare and education.

2. Stage Two (Transitional): In this stage, death rates begin to decline due to improvements in healthcare, including sanitation, nutrition, and medical advancements. However, birth rates remain high, resulting in a significant increase in population. This is often seen in countries transitioning from agrarian to industrial economies.

3. Stage Three (Industrial): In this stage, birth rates start to decline due to socio-economic changes. Access to education, particularly for women, and increased urbanization lead to smaller family sizes and improved birth control methods. Death rates continue to decrease. As a result, the population growth rate slows down.

4. Stage Four (Post-Industrial): In this stage, both birth rates and death rates are low, leading to a low population growth rate. This is typically seen in highly industrialized countries with advanced healthcare systems, high levels of education, and strong social support networks.

Given the description of a rapidly growing population due to a high birth rate and low death rate, Stage Two aligns with these characteristics. Thus, the correct answer is C. Stage two.