Identify the migration pattern that involves a group of people from one location being scattered to a variety of places around the world

A. Circular migration
B. Internal migration
C. Permanent Migration
D.. Diaspora

D. Diaspora

D. Diaspora

The migration pattern that involves a group of people from one location being scattered to a variety of places around the world is called a diaspora.

To identify this migration pattern, you need to understand the definition of diaspora and its characteristics. Diaspora refers to the dispersion or scattering of a particular group of people from their ancestral or homeland to different regions of the world. This scattering is often involuntary and can be caused by various factors such as political conflicts, wars, economic reasons, or even natural disasters.

To determine if the migration pattern is a diaspora, you can look for the following indications:

1. Dispersal: The group of people is scattered to various locations across the world rather than relocating to a specific region or country.
2. Common origin: The scattered group shares a common original homeland or ancestral region.
3. Cultural preservation: Despite being scattered, the group tends to maintain and preserve their cultural identity, traditions, and customs.
4. Community cohesion: Despite being geographically dispersed, the group maintains a sense of community and often stays connected through cultural institutions, organizations, or events.

In this case, Option D, Diaspora, fits the description of a migration pattern where a group of people from one location is scattered to a variety of places around the world.