Which colony would welcome members of Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic faith?

2 points
New Hampshire
Rhode Island

Rhode Island.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island would welcome members of Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic faith.

To determine this, you can refer to the history of the 13 colonies and their religious practices. Each colony had its own religious beliefs and practices, which influenced their attitudes towards religious tolerance.

In the case of Rhode Island, it was founded by Roger Williams in 1636 with a strong emphasis on religious freedom and separation of church and state. Williams believed in the freedom of conscience, granting religious freedom to all settlers, regardless of their religious affiliations. As a result, Rhode Island became known as a haven for religious minorities, including Protestants, Jews, and Catholics. People of various faiths were allowed to freely practice and worship without fear of persecution.

It is important to consider the historical context and the specific beliefs of the founding individuals when answering such questions about the 13 colonies.