A mountain climber ascends a mountain to its peak. The peak is 12,740 feet above sea level. The climber then descends 200 feet to meet a fellow climber. Find the climber's elevation above sea level after meeting the other climber.

(1 point)

12,540 feet above sea level

12,540 feet below sea level

10,740 feet above sea level

12,940 feet above sea level

The climber's elevation after meeting the other climber is 12,540 feet above sea level.

To find the climber's elevation above sea level after meeting the other climber, we need to subtract the descent of 200 feet from the peak's elevation of 12,740 feet.

Elevation above sea level after meeting the other climber: 12,740 feet - 200 feet = 12,540 feet above sea level

To find the climber's elevation above sea level after meeting the other climber, we need to subtract the descent of 200 feet from the peak elevation of 12,740 feet.

Therefore, the climber's elevation above sea level after meeting the other climber is 12,740 - 200 = 12,540 feet above sea level.

So, the correct answer is 12,540 feet above sea level.