When they first started exploring, Europeans were amazed that Americans got anything done without what?

2 points
batteries and dogs
cows and horses
ducks and vultures
the compass and gunpowder

the compass and gunpowder

The correct answer is: the compass and gunpowder.

To find out what Europeans found astonishing that Americans did without, we can consider the options given:

1. Batteries and dogs: Although batteries and dogs can be useful tools, they are not essential for getting things done. So, it is unlikely that this is the correct answer.

2. Cows and horses: Cows and horses were essential domesticated animals for early settlers in the Americas. They were used for transportation, farming, and as sources of food. Europeans would have been aware that Americans used these animals, so this is also an unlikely answer.

3. Ducks and vultures: Ducks and vultures are not typically associated with productivity or infrastructure development. There is no historical evidence suggesting that Europeans were amazed by the absence of these specific animals, making this an unlikely option.

4. The compass and gunpowder: The compass and gunpowder were revolutionary technologies during the exploration age. Europeans heavily relied on compasses for navigation and gunpowder for warfare. It is plausible that Europeans were amazed by the fact that Americans managed to achieve tasks without these crucial technologies. Therefore, this option seems to be the most likely answer.

In conclusion, Europeans were amazed that Americans got anything done without the compass and gunpowder.