A businessman wears a clean shirt everyday. He drops off his laundry and picks up the previous week's load every Monday night. How many shirts must he own to keep going?

To keep going without running out of clean shirts, the businessman must own at least seven shirts.

To determine how many shirts the businessman must own to keep going, we need to consider the frequency of his laundry drop-off and pick-up, as well as the number of shirts he wears each week.

Given that:
- The businessman drops off his laundry and picks up the previous week's load every Monday night
- He wears a clean shirt every day

We can break down the scenario into two parts:
1. Shirts worn before Monday night laundry drop-off:
- From Tuesday to Sunday, the businessman would wear 6 shirts (1 each day)
2. Shirts worn after Monday night laundry pick-up:
- On Monday, the businessman would wear a new shirt before dropping off the laundry

Based on this breakdown, the total number of shirts required can be calculated as follows:

Total shirts required = shirts worn before Monday night + shirts worn after Monday night
= 6 + 1
= 7

Therefore, the businessman must own at least 7 shirts to have a clean shirt to wear every day while maintaining his laundry schedule.

To figure out how many shirts the businessman must own to keep going, let's break it down step by step:

1. Determine the frequency of laundry pickup: The businessman drops off his laundry and picks up the previous week's load every Monday night. This means he gets his laundry done once a week.

2. Determine the frequency of wearing clean shirts: The businessman wears a clean shirt every day.

3. Calculate the number of shirts needed: If the businessman gets his laundry done once a week and wears a clean shirt every day, he would need to have enough shirts to last for the entire week.

Therefore, the businessman must own at least 7 shirts to keep going, as he needs a new clean shirt for each day of the week until his next laundry pickup on Monday night.