Which adjective would you use to describe two studious girls? (1 point) Responses estudioso estudioso estudiosos estudiosos estudiosa estudiosa estudiosas


The adjective that would be used to describe two studious girls is "estudiosas".

To describe two studious girls, the adjective you would use is "estudiosas."

The adjective "estudiosas" is the feminine plural form of the word "estudioso," which means "studious" in Spanish. To identify the appropriate adjective form, you need to consider both the gender and number of the noun it modifies, which in this case is "girls."

When describing multiple girls, you use the plural form by adding the suffix "-as" to the feminine form of the adjective. So, "estudiosas" is the correct form to describe two studious girls.

Remember, when encountering similar situations in other languages, it's essential to refer to grammar rules and understand the gender and number agreement between nouns and adjectives.