A piece of coastal land, and the surrounding fishing areas, has been occupied by a fishing society for centuries. This society does not have a government, or acknowledge that any larger government rules over them.

Use the passage to answer the question.
Do political scientists consider the society described here to be a country?
(1 point)

yes, because it includes a defined piece of land
yes, because it includes a defined piece of land
no, because it does not have an organized government
no, because it does not have an organized government
no, because it mostly includes sea space rather than land
no, because it mostly includes sea space rather than land
yes, because the people have historical sovereignty over the area

The correct answer is: no, because it does not have an organized government.

No, because it does not have an organized government.

To answer the question, we need to understand the criteria that political scientists typically use to define a country. One of the key criteria is the presence of an organized government. In the passage, it is stated that the fishing society does not have a government, indicating that it lacks the necessary institutional structure. As a result, political scientists would likely not consider this society to be a country. Therefore, the correct response is "no, because it does not have an organized government."