Question What was the main reason Spain built missions along Georgia’s Barrier Islands%3F (1 point) Responses For launching attacks For launching attacks To spread Christianity To spread Christianity For defensive purposes For defensive purposes To trade with Native Americans To trade with Native Americans

The main reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands was to spread Christianity.

The main reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands was to spread Christianity.

To find the main reason why Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands, we need to analyze the provided options:

1. For launching attacks: This option is unlikely since missions are typically established for peaceful purposes rather than for launching attacks.

2. To spread Christianity: This is a plausible reason. Spain, being a Catholic nation, often established missions to convert indigenous populations to Christianity.

3. For defensive purposes: This option is another possibility. Building missions along the Barrier Islands could have provided Spain with strategic defense against potential threats.

4. To trade with Native Americans: While trade with Native Americans was important during the time, it was not the primary reason for building missions.

Based on the available options, the most likely reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands is to spread Christianity. However, the best way to confirm this answer would be to consult historical sources or research on the Spanish colonization of North America.