A friend asks Samantha to help write a conclusion for her essay. What should Samantha do first?(1 point)


Research the topic so she can add information.
Research the topic so she can add information.
Read the essay and find the theme.
Read the essay and find the theme.
Find synonyms for imprecise language in the essay.
Find synonyms for imprecise language in the essay.
Write the conclusion.

Read the essay and find the theme.

The first thing Samantha should do is read the essay and find the theme.

In order to help write a conclusion for her friend's essay, Samantha should first read the essay and find the theme. This will enable her to have a clear understanding of the main ideas and arguments presented in the essay. By identifying the theme, Samantha will be able to craft a conclusion that effectively summarizes the essay's main points and brings it to a logical end. Once she has determined the theme, Samantha can then proceed to write the conclusion.