2.307 x 10^8 meters in centimeters as scientific notation to the exact decimal place

To convert 2.307 x 10^8 meters to centimeters in scientific notation, we need to multiply it by 100 to convert meters to centimeters.

2.307 x 10^8 meters = (2.307 x 10^8) x 100 centimeters = 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters

So, 2.307 x 10^8 meters in centimeters as scientific notation to the exact decimal place is 2.307 x 10^10.

To convert 2.307 x 10^8 meters to centimeters in scientific notation, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Multiply the value before the decimal point (the coefficient) by 10 raised to the power of the exponent. In this case, the coefficient is 2.307, and the exponent is 8. So, the result is 2.307 x 10^8.

Step 2: Convert the meters to centimeters. Since there are 100 centimeters in a meter, you can multiply the coefficient from step 1 by 100. Therefore, 2.307 x 10^8 meters is equal to 2.307 x 10^8 x 100 centimeters.

Step 3: Simplify the expression. Multiplying 2.307 by 100 gives us 230.7, so the final expression is 230.7 x 10^8 centimeters.

To express this in scientific notation to the exact decimal place:

Step 4: Move the decimal point in the coefficient to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. In this case, moving the decimal point two places to the right gives us 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters.

Therefore, the scientific notation of 2.307 x 10^8 meters to the exact decimal place in centimeters is 2.307 x 10^10 cm.