Clara multiplies (- 6)(- 7)(- 1) and gets 42. Is her answer reasonable?

A. No, because the solution should have a negative answer.

B. No, because the solution should have a positive answer.

C. Yes, because the solution should have a negative answer.

D. Yes, because the solution should have a positive answer.

B. No, because the solution should have a positive answer.

Clara multiplies (-6)(-7)(-1) and gets 42. Let's evaluate the expression step-by-step to determine if her answer is reasonable.

(-6)(-7)(-1) = (-42)(-1) = 42

Since the product of three negative numbers is positive, Clara's answer of 42 is not reasonable.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

B. No, because the solution should have a positive answer.

To determine whether Clara's answer is reasonable, we need to evaluate the expression she multiplied: (-6)(-7)(-1).

To multiply three negative numbers, we follow the rule that states "a negative number multiplied by a negative number gives a positive result."

(-6)(-7)(-1) can be simplified as follows:
(-6)(-7) = 42
42(-1) = -42

Therefore, Clara's answer is -42, not 42. Since the solution involves negative numbers, the reasonable answer is a negative answer.

Hence, the correct answer is:
A. No, because the solution should have a negative answer.