Write about 18 different boys who said they were going to go hunting with there falcons but the stop by the big oak tree and , are pretending to have there own Kingdoms they have big discussion to pick two kings . The boys range ages 12 to 17.

They pick Clement who is 17 to beleader of all the boys 14 and down, and they pick 17 year old Vico to be the leader of the 15 and up . with Albans smart remarks and every on all ways calling him smart Smart Alec. Well a long side the his cousin Clivent is always laughing, at him. But these two cousins are like best friends. So the elder boy purposely split them up, Alban hate this and says that Clivent is only 14 so he should not be in Vicos group but no one listens he stomps his foot and shouts angrily, but most of the boy just laugh at 14 year old Alban. Vico has an idea he says that the can tie both Alban and Clivent to the same tree if they can get out in 1 hour or 2 they can be on the same team Clement refuses but is brushed off by Airwin Albans 15 year old brother. Alban tried to run a way but Clement grabs his arm and forces him to stay there. Clement still does not like the idea though so he say this is harsh. But no one listens to Clement. So the boys tie Alban and Clivent to the same tree. At first Alban screams and kicks his legs till he no longer CAn. The Alban burst out laughing and mockingly says,is this how Vico Decides things, then Alban playfully moves his foot, testing the strength of the restraints, and giggles mischievously, seemingly enjoying the absurdity of the situation.
After about 20 minutes Clivent finds a loop hole he tries to brack free but can not. Alban says some crazy things such as I think I can stay a live here 100 years, maybe I don't know. He giggles now and then and also asks if this is how they go hunting. And says that him and Clivent most have got stuck in a hunting trap. Vico tells him to stamp his smart remarks and true to get out. But Alban only say. Big boy Vico picking on younger kids, big boy Vico picking on other children

It seems like you want a step-by-step breakdown of the events in the given scenario. Here is a breakdown of the sequence of events:

1. Eighteen boys, ranging in age from 12 to 17, gather to go hunting with their falcons.
2. They stop by a big oak tree and decide to pretend they have their own kingdoms.
3. The boys have a discussion to choose two kings. Clement, who is 17, is picked as the leader for boys 14 and younger, while Vico, also 17, is chosen to lead the 15 and older group.
4. Alban, known for his smart remarks and called a "Smart Alec," is always making comments, and his cousin Clivent, who is 14, laughs at him. The elder boys intentionally separate the cousins, which upsets Alban.
5. Alban protests, stating that Clivent should not be in Vico's group since he is only 14, but his objections are met with laughter from the other boys.
6. Vico suggests tying both Alban and Clivent to the same tree and giving them an hour or two to escape to be on the same team.
7. Clement initially objects but is ignored by Airwin, Alban's 15-year-old brother.
8. Alban attempts to run away, but Clement stops him and forces him to stay.
9. The boys proceed to tie Alban and Clivent to the same tree against their will.
10. Alban initially struggles, screaming and kicking his legs, but eventually stops.
11. Alban mocks Vico's decision-making and playfully tests the restraints, finding them secure.
12. After about 20 minutes, Clivent discovers a loophole and attempts to break free but fails.
13. Alban makes humorous comments about staying alive for 100 years, thinking they are trapped in a hunting trap.
14. Vico instructs Alban to stop with the remarks and try to escape.
15. Alban responds by accusing Vico of picking on younger children.
16. The situation reaches a tense moment as the boys continue to be tied to the tree.

Please let me know if you need any further clarification or information.

isn't fair. He continues to taunt Vico with sarcastic comments, but Vico remains focused on the task at hand.

Meanwhile, Clement watches the scene unfold from a distance, feeling conflicted. He recognizes that the situation has gotten out of hand and that Alban's continuous remarks are unnecessary. However, he also understands that the boys are just having fun and that it's all part of their pretend kingdom game.

As the time ticks by, the other boys grow restless. They start discussing whether they should release Alban and Clivent, realizing that keeping them tied up may not have been the best idea. Airwin, being the voice of reason, suggests that they should have a vote to decide whether to free them or leave them tied up.

The boys gather around, forming a circle, and Clement takes charge. He proposes that they listen to the arguments from both sides and vote based on what they think is fair. Vico argues that Alban's behavior is disrespectful and that he needs to learn a lesson about his remarks. On the other hand, Clivent pleads for his cousin's release, proclaiming that Alban didn't mean any harm and that it was all in good fun.

The boys debate for what feels like hours, growing increasingly torn between their loyalty to their chosen leaders and wanting to be fair. Ultimately, the decision is put to a vote. Each boy places their hand in a circle and silently votes by moving their thumb up or down. After careful consideration, the majority vote in favor of releasing Alban and Clivent.

With a mix of relief and excitement, the boys rush to untie the struggling duo. Alban and Clivent let out a sigh of relief, thanking their friends for their freedom. Clement steps forward, acknowledging that the decision made was fair, and apologizes for not listening to their concerns earlier.

The boys decide to leave the big oak tree and continue their hunting expedition, now with a newfound sense of unity and understanding. They realize that even within their kingdoms, respect and fair treatment are essential. As the boys venture deeper into the woods with their falcons, the laughter and camaraderie that once seemed lost, reemerges stronger than ever.

They learn that true leadership isn't just about power and control, but also about listening, compromising, and treating everyone with kindness and fairness. The kingdom they imagined under the oak tree may have been pretend, but the lessons they learned about friendship and leadership were very real. And so, the 18 boys set off on their hunting adventure, ready to embrace the challenges that lie ahead, united as a team.

In this scenario, there are 18 boys ranging in age from 12 to 17 who are pretending to have their own kingdoms while on a hunting trip with their falcons. They gather by a big oak tree to discuss and choose two kings for their groups. They select Clement, who is 17, to lead the boys aged 14 and younger, and Vico, also 17, to lead the boys aged 15 and older. There are some dynamics within the group, such as Alban making smart remarks and being called a Smart Alec, and his cousin Clivent always laughing at him. To intentionally split them up, the elder boys tie both Alban and Clivent to the same tree and give them a challenge to escape within 1 or 2 hours to be on the same team.

Initially, Alban protests and gets angry, but the other boys just laugh at him. Vico suggests the idea of tying them to the same tree, which Clement disagrees with but is ignored. The boys proceed with tying Alban and Clivent together despite Clement's objection. Alban initially struggles and kicks his legs, but eventually, he starts laughing and finds the situation absurd, even playfully testing the strength of the restraints. After about 20 minutes, Clivent discovers a loophole and attempts to break free, but is unsuccessful. Alban continues to make lighthearted comments, teasing about staying alive for 100 years or wondering if this is how they go hunting. Vico urges him to stop with the smart remarks and focus on escaping, but Alban simply mocks Vico for picking on younger kids and other children.

It seems like a playful and adventurous scenario with some friendly teasing and challenges among the boys.