Julie is asked to solve the system below by elimination. Which of the following steps would be the best way to begin?


Multiply equation i by 2 and multiply equation ii by 3

Multiply equation ii by 2

Multiply equation i by 2

Multiply equation ii by 2 and multiply equation i by -2

The best way to begin is to multiply equation i by 2 and multiply equation ii by 3.

The best way to begin solving the system by elimination is to multiply equation i by 2 and multiply equation ii by 3.

To solve the system by elimination, the objective is to manipulate the equations in a way that when added or subtracted, one variable will be eliminated. In this case, we can eliminate the y variable by multiplying one or both equations by a certain number so that the coefficients of y become opposites of each other.

Out of the given options, the best way to begin would be to "Multiply equation ii by 2" (Option 2). This is because if equation ii is multiplied by 2, the coefficients of y in both equations will become -4 and -2, respectively. By having opposite coefficients for y, adding the two equations will eliminate the y variable.