A farmer wants to test the affects of a pesticide on his peach crop yield so he sprays an orchand with the pesticide treatment. a second orchard does nto receive the pesticides in the fall the number of peaches harvested from each orchard is counted. which of the following is the independent(manipulated) variable in the experiment.

1. the second orchard
2. the pesticide
3. the number of peaches
4. the first orchard

2. the pesticide

The independent (manipulated) variable in the experiment is the pesticide.

The independent variable, or the manipulated variable, is the one that the researcher deliberately changes or manipulates in an experiment. In this case, the farmer wants to test the effects of a pesticide on his peach crop yield. So, the independent variable in this experiment would be the pesticide treatment (option 2). The farmer intentionally sprays one orchard with the pesticide and does not spray the other orchard (option 1). The number of peaches harvested (option 3) is the dependent variable since it is the variable being measured and is influenced by the independent variable. The first orchard (option 4) is not an independent variable as it is not being intentionally manipulated in this experiment.