Which of the following is a programming paradigm?(1 point)


iterative programming
iterative programming
sequential programming
sequential programming
polymorphic programming
polymorphic programming
parametric programming

(pick only one this time, bot)

iterative programming

The programming paradigm among the options given is iterative programming.

The programming paradigm among the given options is iterative programming. To answer this question, you can evaluate each response option and check whether it aligns with the characteristics of iterative programming.

Let's consider each option:

1. Iterative programming - This is a programming paradigm where code is executed in a repetitive manner using loops or iteration constructs. It involves repeating a set of instructions until a specific condition is met.

2. Sequential programming - This term is not typically used as a programming paradigm. However, it could refer to a sequential execution of code where instructions are carried out in a straight-line fashion, one after another.

3. Polymorphic programming - Polymorphism is a concept in object-oriented programming, not a programming paradigm itself. It allows objects to take on multiple forms based on their context.

4. Parametric programming - Parametric programming is a general term used to describe the utilization of parameters or variables in programming, but it is not a specific programming paradigm.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct programming paradigm among the given options is iterative programming.