Kidney disease is a dysfunction of what body system?

a. Urinary
b. Circulatory
c. Reproductive
d. Endocrine

a. Urinary

The correct answer is a. Urinary. Kidney disease is a dysfunction of the urinary system.

Kidney disease is a dysfunction of the urinary system, so the correct answer is option a. To determine this, you need to have a basic understanding of the different body systems and their functions.

The urinary system is responsible for the production, storage, and elimination of urine from the body. It consists of organs such as the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys, specifically, play a crucial role in the urinary system as they filter waste products and excess fluid from the bloodstream, producing urine as a result.

Kidney disease occurs when the kidneys are unable to function properly. This can happen due to various reasons, such as infections, physical damage, autoimmune disorders, or other underlying health conditions. It can lead to a range of symptoms and complications, affecting the overall health and well-being of an individual.