canada's mixed economic system is 78% what? mixed, command, free market, or traditional

Canada's mixed economic system is 78% mixed, meaning it combines elements of both command and free market systems.

Canada's mixed economic system is primarily characterized as a mixed economy.

To determine what Canada's mixed economic system is 78% composed of, we can gather information on the various components of Canada's economy.

Canada has a mixed economic system, which means it combines elements of both command or planned economy and free market economy. In a mixed economy, the government and the market play significant roles in influencing economic activities.

In Canada, the government intervention in the economy is quite extensive. The government is involved in areas such as healthcare, education, social welfare, and infrastructure development. It also regulates certain industries and enforces labor laws. These aspects reflect the command or planned economy characteristics of Canada's mixed economic system.

On the other hand, Canada also has a strong free market component. The country encourages private enterprise, allows competition, and provides a favorable environment for businesses to operate. The majority of industries operate under market forces, allowing supply and demand to determine prices and allocation of resources.

Given this context, we can infer that the remaining 22% (100% - 78%) of Canada's mixed economic system can be attributed to the free market component. This means that Canada's mixed economic system is approximately 78% command or planned economy and 22% free market economy.