What is the literary element called that describes how Francois and Perrault speak in The Call of the Wild?

• Dialogue
• French Canadian
• Dialect

The literary element that describes how Francois and Perrault speak in The Call of the Wild is dialect.

The literary element that describes how Francois and Perrault speak in The Call of the Wild is dialect.

The literary element that describes how Francois and Perrault speak in The Call of the Wild is called "dialect." Dialect refers to the specific way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular group of people, often based on regional or cultural influences. In the case of Francois and Perrault, they speak in a dialect that reflects their French Canadian background. This dialect is different from the standard English language and may include distinct pronunciations, vocabulary, or grammar. By using dialect, the author brings authenticity and richness to the characters and helps to create a sense of place and cultural diversity within the narrative. To identify this literary element, one can observe the unique speech patterns, expressions, and linguistic features that are specific to Francois and Perrault throughout the story.