Which of the following transition words signals cause-and-effect? (1 point)

• however
• first
• finally
• as a result

• as a result

The transition word that signals cause-and-effect is "as a result".

The transition word that signals cause-and-effect in the given options is "as a result." To determine the answer, let's examine the meaning and usage of each transition word:

1. "However": This transition word is used to show contrast or contradiction between two ideas. It does not indicate cause-and-effect.

2. "First": This word is an ordinal number used to indicate the initial item in a series. It does not signal cause-and-effect.

3. "Finally": This transition word is used to indicate the last or final item in a series. It does not convey cause-and-effect.

4. "As a result": This transition phrase is commonly used to show the cause-and-effect relationship between two events or situations. It implies that one event leads to another.

Considering the explanations above, the correct transition word that signals cause-and-effect among the options is "as a result."