A student went on a camping trip in the forest. At midnight he heard a noise. The student turned on his flashlight, and the noise stopped. In the morning, all of the student's candy bars were gone. Based only on this information, which of these is an inference that the student could make about the candy bars?

The candy bars had nuts in them.
The candy bars are missing.
The candy bars were better tasting than other candy bars.
The candy bars were taken by an animal.

D. The candy bars were taken by an animal.

Based on the information provided, the most reasonable inference that the student could make about the candy bars would be:

D. The candy bars were taken by an animal.

Based on the given information, the student can make the inference that the candy bars are missing. This is because in the morning, when the student woke up, all of the candy bars were gone. The disappearance of the candy bars indicates that they are missing. To arrive at this inference, the student would have logically connected the information about hearing a noise at midnight, turning on the flashlight, and then finding the candy bars missing in the morning.