Leatherman Pacheco was an officer on duty for the Oklahoma bombing: True or False?

False. There is no information or records available regarding an individual named Leatherman Pacheco being an officer on duty during the Oklahoma bombing.

False. There is no record or evidence suggesting that Leatherman Pacheco was an officer on duty during the Oklahoma bombing.

To determine whether Leatherman Pacheco was an officer on duty for the Oklahoma bombing, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by performing a general internet search using keywords like "Leatherman Pacheco," "Oklahoma bombing," and "officer on duty."
2. Look for reliable sources such as news articles, official reports, or reputable websites that provide factual information about the Oklahoma bombing.
3. Cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and avoid relying on a single piece of information.
4. Pay attention to the credibility of the sources and prioritize information from reputable news organizations or official statements.

As an AI language model, I don't have real-time access to the internet and therefore cannot provide the most up-to-date information about Leatherman Pacheco specifically. It is vital to conduct your own research or refer to trusted sources to verify the accuracy of the statement.