Which of these organelles are present in plant cells but not animal cells? Select all that apply.(1 point)

cell wall
large, central vacuole


cell wall
large, central vacuole

The organelles that are present in plant cells but not animal cells are:

1. Chloroplasts: These organelles are responsible for photosynthesis, converting sunlight into energy for the plant.

2. Cell wall: The plant cell wall provides rigidity and support to the cell. It is composed mainly of cellulose.

3. Large, central vacuole: Plant cells typically have a large, central vacuole that stores water, nutrients, and waste materials. It helps maintain the cell's shape and turgor pressure.

So, the correct options are:
- Chloroplast
- Cell wall
- Large, central vacuole

To determine which organelles are present in plant cells but not animal cells, you can compare the characteristics and functions of these organelles in both types of cells.

Chloroplast: This organelle is responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Chloroplasts are found in plant cells, but not in animal cells. Therefore, the correct answer is chloroplast.

Mitochondria: Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell, responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration. Both plant cells and animal cells have mitochondria, so mitochondria are not exclusive to plant cells.

Cell Wall: The cell wall provides structural support and protection to plant cells. It is composed of cellulose and is not found in animal cells. Therefore, the correct answer is cell wall.

Large, Central Vacuole: The central vacuole is a plant cell-specific organelle that is typically large and occupies a central position within the cell. It stores water, enzymes, and waste materials. Animal cells may have smaller vacuoles, but they do not have a large, central vacuole. Therefore, the correct answer is large, central vacuole.

Based on the analysis, the organelles that are present in plant cells but not animal cells are chloroplast, cell wall, and large, central vacuole.