Educators should be aware of their own privilege and work towards eliminating their own personal bias. One way to do this is:

a. Ask students to explain to them ways they may be biased
b. Become more aware of their own implicit and explicit biases that influence their teaching practices
c. Rely on minority students to point out information about diversity and inclusion

There is only three options.

The correct answer is b. Become more aware of their own implicit and explicit biases that influence their teaching practices.

Option a is a good practice for educators to engage in dialogue with students about bias and privilege, but it is not sufficient on its own. Option c is not recommended, as it places the burden on minority students to educate their educators on diversity and inclusion topics, which can be both emotionally exhausting and unfair.

The correct option is b. Educators should become more aware of their own implicit and explicit biases that influence their teaching practices.

The correct answer is b. Become more aware of their own implicit and explicit biases that influence their teaching practices.

To arrive at this answer, you need to carefully consider the options and assess which one aligns with the idea of educators becoming aware of and eliminating their personal bias.

Option a suggests that educators should ask their students to explain ways they may be biased. While it is important for educators to create an open dialogue with their students, it is ultimately the responsibility of the educator to reflect on their own biases and work towards eliminating them. Relying solely on students to point out biases may place an unfair burden on minority students and does not necessarily demonstrate the educator's own commitment to self-reflection and growth.

Option c suggests relying on minority students to provide information about diversity and inclusion. While it is important to create an inclusive and diverse learning environment, it is not fair to place the burden of educating the educator solely on minority students. Educators should proactively educate themselves on issues of diversity and inclusion, rather than relying on students to do this work for them.

Option b, on the other hand, encourages educators to become more aware of their own implicit and explicit biases that influence their teaching practices. This aligns with the idea that educators should take personal responsibility for addressing their biases and working towards eliminating them. By being self-aware, educators can actively engage in professional development and be more effective in creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment.

Therefore, option b is the correct answer.