Solve and round your answer to the nearest tenth. List the smaller answer first. Click Here for Help Video.

(10 points)
The smaller solution is

The larger solution is

The smaller solution is -±5.3.

The larger solution is ±5.3.

In order to solve the equation x^2 = 28.09, we need to take the square root of both sides of the equation.

√(x^2) = √(28.09)

This simplifies to:

x = ± √(28.09)

Taking the square root of 28.09, we find that it is equal to approximately 5.3.

So the smaller solution is -5.3 (rounded to the nearest tenth), and the larger solution is 5.3 (rounded to the nearest tenth).

To solve the equation x^2 = 28.09, you need to take the square root of both sides of the equation. The square root of 28.09 is approximately 5.3.

The smaller solution would be the negative value of the square root, which is -5.3. The larger solution is the positive value of the square root, which is 5.3.

So, the smaller solution is -5.3 and the larger solution is 5.3. Both solutions are rounded to the nearest tenth.