Note: Your teacher will grade your responses to questions 9–10 to ensure that your receive proper credit for your answers. A photo is 4 inches wide. It is placed inside a frame with a border that is x inches wide. The total width of the photo and the frame is 7 inches. Write an equation to model the situation, then solve the equation to find the width of the border.

Let's call the width of the border "x". Since the total width of the photo and the frame is 7 inches, we can set up the equation:

4 + 2x = 7

Now, let's solve the equation to find the width of the border:

2x = 7 - 4
2x = 3
x = 3/2

So, the width of the border is 1.5 inches.

Let's call the width of the border "b".

The total width of the photo and the frame is 7 inches, which means that the width of the photo plus the width of the border is equal to 7 inches.

Therefore, we can set up the equation as:

4 + b = 7

To solve this equation, we subtract 4 from both sides:

b = 7 - 4

b = 3

So, the width of the border is 3 inches.

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation to represent the situation. Let's denote the width of the border as "x" inches.

According to the problem, the photo is 4 inches wide. When we place the photo inside the frame with a border that is x inches wide, the total width of the photo and frame is 7 inches.

So, the equation can be written as:

4 + 2x = 7

In this equation, we add the width of the photo (4 inches) to twice the width of the border (2x inches) to represent the total width of the photo and frame (7 inches).

To find the width of the border (x inches), we can solve this equation:

4 + 2x = 7

First, we can isolate the term with "x" by subtracting 4 from both sides of the equation:

2x = 7 - 4

Simplifying the equation:

2x = 3

Finally, to solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 3/2

Therefore, the width of the border is 3/2 inches or 1.5 inches.