Which sentence could appear in a conclusion?(1 point)


As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health.
As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health.

The program involved a variety of adults of different ages.
The program involved a variety of adults of different ages.

The study showed a 10 percent increase in cardiac capacity.
The study showed a 10 percent increase in cardiac capacity.

Is moderate exercise just as beneficial as intense exercise?

As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health.

The sentence that could appear in a conclusion is: "As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health."

To determine which sentence could appear in a conclusion, we need to understand what a conclusion is. A conclusion is the final part of an argument or a piece of writing that summarizes the main points or findings. It often provides a final analysis or a decision based on the information presented.

Now let's look at the given sentences and see which one could potentially be a conclusion:

1. "As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health."

This sentence presents a conclusion by summarizing the main point that moderate exercise is beneficial to good health. It directly addresses the topic and draws a final analysis based on the evidence provided. It is a strong candidate for a conclusion.

2. "The program involved a variety of adults of different ages."

This sentence does not directly address the main point or findings of the topic. Instead, it provides information about the program involved, but it does not present a conclusion. Therefore, it is less likely to be a sentence that could appear in a conclusion.

3. "The study showed a 10 percent increase in cardiac capacity."

Similar to the second sentence, this statement provides information about the study but doesn't directly address the main point or provide a conclusion. It presents a finding rather than summarizing or analyzing the main points, making it less likely to be part of a conclusion.

Based on the analysis, the sentence that could appear in a conclusion is:

"As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health."

This sentence directly addresses the main point and summarizes the findings, making it appropriate for a conclusion.