A) Which stage in the demographic transition model has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates? (1 point)

stage two
stage four
stage three
stage one

stage two

The stage in the demographic transition model with rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates is stage two.

To determine the stage in the demographic transition model that has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates, we need to understand the basic concept of the demographic transition model.

The demographic transition model is a framework that explains the population growth patterns observed in different countries over time. It consists of several stages that represent different levels of birth rates, death rates, and overall population growth.

Now, let's analyze the options:

- Stage one: This stage is characterized by high birth rates and high death rates, resulting in a slow population growth. It is typically associated with pre-industrial societies.

- Stage two: This stage is characterized by high birth rates and declining death rates. This is often due to improvements in healthcare, sanitation, and food production. As a result, populations in stage two experience rapid population growth.

- Stage three: This stage is characterized by declining birth rates and continuing low death rates. It is typically associated with industrializing societies, where improved education, access to contraception, and changing social norms contribute to a decrease in birth rates.

- Stage four: This stage is characterized by low birth rates and low death rates, resulting in a stable or slowly growing population. It is typically associated with post-industrial societies.

Based on the information provided, the stage in the demographic transition model that aligns with rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates is stage two. Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) stage two