Which of the following best explains how physical geography impact trade along the silk road

A) mountains, such as the Premier mountains, made trade difficult so traders often avoided them
B) maritime trade routes were developed throughout the silk road to avoid the mountains
C) lack of water along the silk road closed traders to flock to oases to survive
D) deserts were flat and easy it to travel across so traders often went across them
ABC or D

C) lack of water along the silk road caused traders to flock to oases to survive

The correct option that best explains how physical geography impacted trade along the Silk Road is B) maritime trade routes were developed throughout the Silk Road to avoid the mountains. The mountains along the Silk Road, such as the Pamir and Tian Shan Mountains, posed significant obstacles for traders due to their steep and rugged terrain. Therefore, maritime trade routes were established to bypass these mountainous regions and facilitate trade.

The best explanation for how physical geography impacts trade along the Silk Road is a combination of options A, B, and C.

A) Mountains, such as the Premier Mountains, made trade difficult. These rugged terrain often presented significant obstacles for traders and their caravans. Due to the challenging nature of these mountainous regions, traders often had to find alternative routes or avoid them altogether in order to continue their trade journey.

B) Maritime trade routes were developed throughout the Silk Road to avoid the mountains. Traders and merchants recognized the limitations posed by mountainous terrain, so they sought alternative routes by using maritime trade routes. These routes allowed them to bypass the mountainous areas and facilitate trade through sea routes, such as the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

C) Lack of water along the Silk Road led traders to flock to oases to survive. The Silk Road traverses through vast arid and desert regions where water sources are scarce. As a result, traders relied on oases strategically located along the route for water, rest, and sustenance. Oases served as essential hubs for trade, acting as meeting points for different caravans and facilitating the exchange of goods.

Option D, which states that deserts were flat and easy to travel across, is not the best explanation because deserts can be challenging to cross due to their extreme temperatures, lack of water, and the overall harsh conditions they present. While the deserts played a role in the Silk Road trade, it is not accurate to say that they were flat and easy to navigate.

Therefore, the best answer would be ABC (options A, B, and C), as these factors combined showcase how physical geography affected trade along the Silk Road.