Systems of _ contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations. A hunting and gathering, B Buddhism, C rice farming, D civil service

The correct answers are C rice farming and D civil service.

C rice farming: Rice farming had a significant impact on the economic development of early Japanese civilizations. The cultivation of rice led to a surplus of food, which in turn allowed for the development of settled communities. Rice became a staple crop and formed the basis of the agricultural economy. It provided a stable food source for the population and allowed for the development of a more sophisticated and complex society.

D civil service: The establishment of a civil service system in early Japan helped promote economic growth and development. The civil service system allowed for the recruitment of skilled individuals who could efficiently manage government affairs, administer policies, and collect taxes. This helped to ensure stability and order within society, which in turn created a conducive environment for economic activities such as trade and commerce to thrive.

The correct answer is C. rice farming.

Step 1: Rice farming played a significant role in the economic development of early Japanese civilizations. It provided a stable source of food and allowed for surplus production, leading to population growth and the development of complex social systems.

Step 2: The introduction of wet rice cultivation techniques from mainland Asia around the 3rd century BCE revolutionized agriculture in Japan. Rice could be grown in paddies, which required the construction of irrigation systems and terraced fields.

Step 3: Rice farming required labor-intensive work, which led to the development of labor specialization and social hierarchy. A class of farmers emerged, supported by the surplus production of rice.

Step 4: The surplus rice produced by the farmers became a valuable resource that could be traded for other goods and services. This led to the growth of regional economies and the establishment of a trade network among different regions in Japan.

Step 5: The economic development brought about by rice farming also contributed to the emergence of centralized political systems. Rulers were able to control and regulate the production and distribution of rice, consolidating their power and authority.

Step 6: Overall, rice farming played a critical role in shaping the early Japanese civilizations by providing a stable food source, enabling population growth, fostering economic development, and influencing the development of social and political systems.

The systems that contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations were C) rice farming and D) civil service.

Firstly, let's talk about rice farming. Japan relied heavily on rice as a staple food crop, and rice farming played a crucial role in the economic growth of early Japanese civilizations. Rice cultivation provided a stable food supply, which led to population growth and the formation of stable communities. The surplus rice production allowed for trade and the development of a market economy.

To understand how rice farming contributed to economic development, you can explore historical documents, research articles, or academic books that discuss the agricultural practices of early Japanese civilizations. These sources will provide valuable insights into the techniques used for growing rice, the social and economic impact of rice farming, and the emergence of a complex agricultural system.

Secondly, let's discuss the civil service system. The civil service system refers to the organized bureaucracy and administrative structure that existed in early Japanese civilizations. It played a crucial role in governing the society and driving economic development. The civil service system involved a hierarchy of government officials who were responsible for managing resources, taxation, infrastructure development, trade, and other economic activities.

To delve deeper into the role of the civil service system in the economic development of early Japanese civilizations, you can consult historical records, primary sources, or scholarly articles that discuss the governance structures and administrative practices of that era. These sources will provide insights into the organization, functions, and impact of the civil service system on the economy.

By examining the role of rice farming and the civil service system, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how these systems contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations.