9.  According to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, what must be overcome to end suffering?(1 point)


feelings of anger
feelings of anger

selfish desires (wanting)
selfish desires (wanting)

feelings of sadness
feelings of sadness


selfish desires (wanting)

According to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, selfish desires (or wanting) must be overcome in order to end suffering.

To answer this question, we need to understand the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism:

1. The truth of suffering: Life is filled with suffering and dissatisfaction.

2. The truth of the origin of suffering: Suffering arises from our selfish desires or cravings.

3. The truth of the cessation of suffering: It is possible to end suffering by overcoming our desires.

4. The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering: The Noble Eightfold Path is the way to overcome desires and end suffering.

Based on these Four Noble Truths, the answer to the question is "selfish desires (wanting)." According to Buddhism, the root cause of suffering is our attachment to desires and cravings. By letting go of these selfish desires, one can achieve liberation from suffering. Therefore, to end suffering, one must overcome these selfish desires or wanting.