A comedy focused on thought is known as

comedy of idea
comedy of manners
situation comedy

a) comedy of idea

The correct answer is "a) comedy of idea." A comedy focused on thought is commonly referred to as a comedy of idea. This type of comedy often involves intellectual humor and witty dialogue that explores deeper concepts and themes.

The correct answer is "a comedy of idea." To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the different types of comedies mentioned in the options and determine which one is focused on thought.

A comedy of manners (option b) is a type of comedy that satirizes the behavior and social conventions of a particular class or group. It often portrays characters who are concerned primarily with social status and etiquette.

A farce (option c) is a type of comedy that relies on exaggerated situations, physical humor, and absurdity to generate laughter. Farces are known for their fast pace and ridiculous plot twists.

A situation comedy (option d) is a comedic genre typically seen in television shows that revolves around recurring characters placed in humorous situations. It often employs witty banter and relies on situational humor.

Based on these definitions, none of the options directly indicate a comedy focused on thought, except for "a comedy of idea" (option a). A comedy of idea, also known as comedy of wit or intellectual comedy, centers around intellectual humor, clever dialogue, and witty wordplay. It often explores philosophical or abstract concepts, making the audience think and reflect while also providing humor.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a, "comedy of idea."