The charter of 1732 established the colony of ga and stated that the colony was to be governed by who

The charter of 1732 established the colony of Georgia and stated that the colony was to be governed by a board of trustees.

The Charter of 1732 was granted by King George II of England, and it established the colony of Georgia. According to the charter, the colony was to be governed by a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees consisted of 21 members who were responsible for overseeing the administration and development of the colony. They were granted the power to make laws, establish courts, and appoint governors to carry out the day-to-day governance of Georgia.

The charter of 1732 established the colony of Georgia. To find out who was meant to govern the colony according to the charter, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the specific information related to the charter of 1732. You can perform an internet search using keywords like "charter of Georgia 1732" or similar phrases.

2. Look for reliable sources such as historical archives, academic articles, or reputable websites. Government websites, educational institutions, and recognized historical organizations are often good sources of information.

3. Read through the content and search for sections discussing the governance of the colony. The charter should outline the specific details related to who was intended to govern Georgia.

4. Pay close attention to any references to individuals or positions responsible for the governance of Georgia. This can include names of individuals, relevant government bodies, or specific titles mentioned in the charter.

5. Take note of the information you find. Make sure to verify multiple sources to ensure accuracy and cross-reference the data to ensure it is consistent across different sources.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to find the information regarding who was meant to govern the colony of Georgia according to the charter of 1732.