Multiply- 1 1/6 by 7 write as a mixed number

To multiply 1 1/6 by 7, we first convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.

1 1/6 can be rewritten as (6/6 + 1/6) or (7/6).

To multiply (7/6) by 7, we multiply the numerators and denominators separately.

(7/6) * 7 = (7 * 7)/(6 * 1) = 49/6.

To convert the improper fraction back to a mixed number, we divide the numerator (49) by the denominator (6).

49 ÷ 6 = 8 remainder 1

Therefore, the answer is 8 1/6.

To multiply 1 1/6 by 7, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
1 1/6 is equal to (6*1 + 1)/6 = 7/6.

Step 2: Multiply the improper fraction by the whole number.
7/6 * 7 = (7 * 7)/(6) = 49/6.

Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction.
49/6 cannot be simplified further as both numbers are prime.

Step 4: Write the result as a mixed number.
To write 49/6 as a mixed number, divide the numerator (49) by the denominator (6). The quotient is the whole number part, and the remainder becomes the numerator for a new fraction. Therefore, 49 divided by 6 is 8 with a remainder of 1. So, it can be written as:
49/6 = 8 1/6.

Hence, the product of 1 1/6 and 7 is equal to the mixed number 8 1/6.

To find the product of 1 1/6 and 7, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 1 1/6 into an improper fraction.
To do this, we multiply the whole number (1) by the denominator (6) and add the numerator (1). The result is the numerator of the improper fraction:
1 * 6 + 1 = 6 + 1 = 7.
So, the improper fraction equivalent of 1 1/6 is 7/6.

Step 2: Multiply the improper fraction by 7.
To find the product, multiply the numerator (7) by 7 and leave the denominator (6) unchanged:
7/6 * 7 = (7 * 7) / 6 = 49/6.

Step 3: Express the result as a mixed number.
To write 49/6 as a mixed number, we need to divide the numerator (49) by the denominator (6) and express the quotient as the whole number part of the mixed number and the remainder as the fractional part.
49 ÷ 6 = 8 with a remainder of 1.
Therefore, the result is 8 1/6.

So, the product of 1 1/6 and 7, expressed as a mixed number, is 8 1/6.