5.  Why was it important that some people in the Gupta empire were able to become (for the first time) citizens?(1 point)


it allowed them to decide if they worked or not
it allowed them to decide if they worked or not

it allowed them to have some rights
it allowed them to have some rights

it allowed them to follow only rules that they set for themselves
it allowed them to follow only rules that they set for themselves

it allowed them to be in charge of others

it allowed them to have some rights

The correct answer is: it allowed them to have some rights.

The correct answer is: it allowed them to have some rights

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of citizenship and its significance in the Gupta empire.

In any society, citizenship refers to the legal status granted to individuals who belong to a particular nation or empire. Being a citizen brings certain rights and privileges, such as protection under the law, access to social services, and participation in political processes.

During the Gupta empire, citizenship was especially important because it allowed individuals to have some rights. Before this time, people were often subject to the absolute authority of rulers and had few or no legal protections. The establishment of citizenship in the Gupta empire meant that individuals had certain rights guaranteed by law, such as the right to own property, the right to a fair trial, and the right to participate in political and social activities within the empire.

Therefore, it was significant that some people in the Gupta empire were able to become citizens because it provided them with legal rights and protections, improving their overall status and allowing for a more just and inclusive society.