A comedy of character is

based ethical choice
features a play-within-a-play
depicts a real person from the past
driven by the eccentricities of its major figure


driven by the eccentricities of its major figure

The correct answer is:

d) driven by the eccentricities of its major figure

A comedy of character is a type of comedy that is centered around the peculiar behaviors, idiosyncrasies, or eccentricities of its main character. This type of comedy emphasizes the humorous aspects of the character's personality and often relies on their unique traits to generate laughter.

The correct answer is d) driven by the eccentricities of its major figure.

To arrive at this answer, let's go through each option and explain how to assess them:

a) Based ethical choice: This option seems to be unrelated to the definition of a comedy of character. Comedy of character refers to a theatrical genre that focuses on exaggerated and humorous portrayals of different personality types. It doesn't necessarily revolve around ethical choices.

b) Features a play-within-a-play: Although this is a common trope in theater, it does not define a comedy of character. The presence of a play-within-a-play doesn't determine the genre; it's mainly a structural device used in storytelling.

c) Depicts a real person from the past: This option refers more to a historical play or a biographical play, rather than a comedy of character. While some comedies of character may involve real historical figures, it is not a necessary characteristic.

d) Driven by the eccentricities of its major figure: This option accurately captures the essence of a comedy of character. In this genre, the comedic elements are primarily derived from the idiosyncrasies, quirks, and peculiarities of the central character. The story unfolds through the interactions and reactions of other characters to the eccentricity of the main figure.

Therefore, the correct answer is d) driven by the eccentricities of its major figure.