Find the cube root of 512: ^3√512 .(1 point)


negative 8



8, −8


To find the cube root of 512, we can use a calculator or solve it manually.

Using a calculator, we get:
^3√512 ≈ 8

So the cube root of 512 is 8.

To find the cube root of 512, you can use a calculator or a mathematical method. Let's explain how to do it using the mathematical method.

The cube root of a number x can be found by raising x to the power of 1/3. In this case, we need to find the cube root of 512.

To calculate this, we can raise 512 to the power of 1/3. It can be written as:

^3√512 = 512^(1/3)

Using a calculator, you can directly enter 512^(1/3) and find the cube root of 512. The result is approximately 8.

Therefore, the cube root of 512 is 8.