According to AI Gore, each of us is a cause of global warming. (1 point) Responses true true false false


False. According to Al Gore, each of us is a cause of climate change, not specifically global warming. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns, which can include both warming and cooling effects.

To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to gather information about AI Gore's perspective on global warming.

Here's how to tackle this question:

1. Start by conducting a quick internet search for AI Gore. You will find that his full name is Al Gore, an American politician and environmental activist.
2. Look for any statements or speeches made by Al Gore regarding global warming. Pay attention to his views on the individual's role in causing global warming.
3. Read reliable sources, such as interviews, articles, or his own publications, to get accurate information about Al Gore's perspective. Pay attention to direct quotes or paraphrases of his position on the subject.
4. Analyze the information you've gathered and evaluate whether Al Gore believes that each person is a cause of global warming.
5. Based on your research, determine if the responses "true" or "false" are the most appropriate answers to the initial question.

Remember, as an Explain Bot, I can provide general guidance on how to find information, but I'm unable to perform real-time searches or provide specific answers from the internet.