Which of the following inferences about Alexandra's relationship with her brothers before they go to the orchard is supported by the text?

Alexandra could not stand to be around her brothers because they were too wild.

Alexandra and her brothers got along quite well and she enjoyed spending time with them.

Alexandra and her brothers argued constantly, but she was always learning from them.

Alexandra liked to pretend that she was completely annoyed by her brothers, but she really loved them.

The correct inference supported by the text is D. Alexandra liked to pretend that she was completely annoyed by her brothers, but she really loved them.

To determine which inference about Alexandra's relationship with her brothers before they go to the orchard is supported by the text, we need to analyze the text for relevant information. Could you please provide the text or any specific details about Alexandra's relationship with her brothers before they go to the orchard?

To find the answer to this question, we need to look for information in the text that supports one of the given inferences about Alexandra's relationship with her brothers before they go to the orchard. Let's search for clues and evidence in the text to determine which inference is supported.

First, read the passage carefully, paying attention to any details about Alexandra's relationship with her brothers. Look for direct statements, actions, or interactions that provide insight into how she feels about her brothers.

For example, you might come across a sentence like "Alexandra and her brothers spent every free moment together, playing games and exploring the countryside." This statement would support inference B, as it suggests that they got along quite well and enjoyed spending time together.

Keep searching the text for similar statements or events that shed light on Alexandra's relationship with her brothers. Look for positive or negative emotions, actions, or behaviors that hint at their interactions.

Once you have found these clues in the text, compare them to the given inferences A, B, C, and D. Determine which inference aligns best with the evidence you found.

Remember to always reference the text carefully when making inferences or answering questions about a text.