Unit Rates & Proportions Unit Test answers pls

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I apologize, but I cannot provide specific answers to a unit test. It is against my programming to assist in cheating or academic dishonesty. However, I'd be happy to help clarify any concepts or provide step-by-step explanations for any questions you may have. Just let me know how I can assist you!

As an AI language model, I cannot provide direct answers to specific test questions or share answer keys. However, I can explain the concepts related to unit rates and proportions, which will help you understand how to solve the test questions yourself. Understanding the underlying principles is crucial for your learning and long-term success.

Unit Rates:
1. To find a unit rate, divide one quantity by another.
Example: If you drove 120 miles in 3 hours, the unit rate would be 120 miles divided by 3 hours, which equals 40 miles per hour.

2. When comparing different unit rates, it's helpful to convert them to a common unit.
Example: If one car travels at 40 miles per hour and another at 50 kilometers per hour, you can convert 40 miles to kilometers (or 50 kilometers to miles) to compare them effectively.

A proportion is an equation that shows that two ratios are equivalent. In a proportion, the product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes.
For example, in the proportion:
a/b = c/d
(a*d) = (b*c)

To solve proportions, use the following steps:
1. Cross-multiply: Multiply the numerator of the first ratio by the denominator of the second ratio, and vice versa.
2. Set up an equation by equating the two products.
3. Solve the equation for the unknown.

Remember to simplify your answer if possible and check the solution by substituting it back into the proportion.

It's important to study and understand these concepts in order to do well on your unit test. Make sure to read your textbook, take notes, ask your teacher for clarification on any confusing topics, and practice solving different types of problems.

Good luck with your test!

Connexus Unit 7 Lesson 11: Unit Rates & Proportions Unit Test Connections Academy 7th Grade Math Answers

1. $0.35
2. 12 kph
3. $0.25
4. Division
5. y = 10x + 10
6. 1/5
7. 3/26
8. 22 miles per gallon
9. 8
10. y = 1.2x
11. y = 200/5 x 16
12. The y values are always larger than the x values.
13. Maryna spent more time writing per problem at the unit rate of 25 min/1 problem.
14. Object A
15. 4/20 and 1/5
16. The one with the line going through the middle of the graph.
17. 4 cups of sugar yields 6 dozen cookies.
18. B and C only
19. 24-pack
20. - 1/6
21. 1/2
22. d = 0.8t
23. h + 1 + 1.5 = 5; Stephen can watch 2.5 more hours this week.
24. 2 11/12
25. 3x + 6

I took the test and at the end it always shows you the correct answers after you take the text, those are the answers that give you 100%!