Which stage in the demographic transition model has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates?(1 point)


stage two
stage two

stage four
stage four

stage three
stage three

stage one
stage one
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The correct answer is stage two.

The stage in the demographic transition model that has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates is stage two.

The stage in the demographic transition model that has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates is stage two. To arrive at this answer, you would need to understand the demographic transition model and its stages. The demographic transition model is a framework used to explain the population changes that occur as countries transition from traditional agricultural societies to industrialized modern societies. The model consists of four stages.

Stage one is characterized by high birth rates and high death rates, resulting in a relatively stable population. Stage two occurs when a society experiences improvements in healthcare, sanitation, and access to food, leading to a decline in death rates. However, birth rates remain high, resulting in a rapid population growth during this stage.

By understanding this basic concept and the characteristics of each stage, you can determine that stage two is the correct answer to the question.