What were the two sides, and who was on each side?

It depends on the specific context you are referring to. Can you please provide more information or specify the historical event, conflict, or situation you are asking about?

To provide an accurate answer, please specify the context or topic you are referring to.

To answer your question, I would need some context as there are many historical events or situations that involved two sides. However, I can guide you on how to find information on the specific event or situation you are referring to.

1. Identify the event: First, determine the specific event or situation you are asking about. It could be a conflict, a political issue, a sports competition, or any other situation where there were two opposing sides.

2. Research the event: Once you have identified the event, conduct research using credible sources. Start by searching for the name of the event or a concise description on search engines like Google. For example, if you are asking about the American Civil War, you can search "American Civil War sides" or "participants in the American Civil War."

3. Utilize credible sources: Look for reliable and authoritative sources such as history books, academic journals, reputable websites, or reputable news outlets. These sources often provide well-documented accounts of the events and identify the parties involved.

4. Analyze multiple perspectives: It is essential to consider different viewpoints to get a comprehensive understanding of the event. Look for sources that present different perspectives or analyze the motivations, ideologies, and alliances of the parties involved.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the specific event or situation you are referring to, and then uncover information about the two sides and the people or groups associated with each side.