Which stage in the demographic transition model has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates?(1 point)


stage four
stage four

stage three
stage three

stage two
stage two

stage one

stage two

Stage two in the demographic transition model has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates.

The stage in the demographic transition model that has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates is Stage Two.

In order to determine the correct answer, you need to understand the basics of the demographic transition model. The demographic transition model is a widely-used framework that describes the process of population change over time. It is divided into four stages:

1. Stage One: This stage is characterized by high birth rates and high death rates, resulting in slow population growth. This is typically seen in pre-industrial societies where there is limited access to healthcare, lack of education, and high infant mortality rates.

2. Stage Two: In this stage, death rates start to decline due to improvements in healthcare, sanitation, and nutrition. However, birth rates remain high, leading to a rapid increase in population. This is often observed during the early stages of industrialization and economic development.

3. Stage Three: This stage is characterized by declining birth rates and further decline in death rates. The decline in birth rates can be attributed to improvements in access to contraception, education, and women's empowerment. As a result, population growth starts to slow down.

4. Stage Four: In this stage, both birth rates and death rates are low, resulting in a stable population. This is usually observed in advanced industrialized societies where there is better healthcare, education, and strong economic development.

Based on this understanding, it is clear that Stage Two is the correct answer to the question as it describes the stage with rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates.