Which of the following would most likely appear in a feature article, but not in a news article, about hurricane Katrina

A map showing meteorologist data about the storm, such as total rainfall and top wind speeds
A sidebar containing a brief interview with a former New Orleans resident who was displaced by the storm
A chart listing information about public and private disaster-relief agencies that respond after the storm

A sidebar containing a brief interview with a former New Orleans resident who was displaced by the storm

A sidebar containing a brief interview with a former New Orleans resident who was displaced by the storm would most likely appear in a feature article, but not in a news article about Hurricane Katrina.

To determine which of the given options would most likely appear in a feature article about Hurricane Katrina rather than a news article, let's first understand the difference between these two types of articles.

A news article primarily aims to provide the latest and most essential information about a specific event or topic. It typically focuses on the facts, such as the who, what, when, where, and why. News articles are usually concise and report the immediate details of an event.

On the other hand, a feature article offers a more in-depth analysis and interpretation of an event or topic. It goes beyond the basic facts and explores various aspects, including human interest stories, interviews, opinions, and additional elements that provide context and insight.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

1. A map showing meteorologist data about the storm, such as total rainfall and top wind speeds:
This option is more likely to appear in a news article since it provides specific and objective data about the hurricane. News articles often use visual aids like maps to present factual information concisely.

2. A sidebar containing a brief interview with a former New Orleans resident who was displaced by the storm:
This option is more likely to appear in a feature article since it adds a personal perspective and human interest to the narrative. Feature articles often incorporate interviews and personal stories to provide a deeper understanding of the event from the viewpoint of those affected.

3. A chart listing information about public and private disaster-relief agencies that respond after the storm:
This option could appear in both a news and a feature article, as it provides practical information about disaster-relief agencies. However, it is more likely to be included in a feature article, where a broader examination of the topic allows for detailed coverage.

Considering these explanations, the option that would most likely appear in a feature article about Hurricane Katrina is:

- A sidebar containing a brief interview with a former New Orleans resident who was displaced by the storm.