Find the GCF of 20r - 4.

To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 20r - 4, we need to factor out any common terms. In this case, the GCF is 4, as it can be factored out of both terms. Therefore, the GCF of 20r - 4 is 4.

To find the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of 20r - 4, we need to look for the highest term that can divide both 20r and 4 evenly.

Step 1: Factor out any common numbers.
In this case, we can factor out 4 from both terms: 4(5r - 1)

Step 2: Factor out any common variables.
Since both terms contain the variable "r," we can factor out "r" as well: 4r(5 - 1)

Step 3: Simplify if possible.
The expression 5 - 1 simplifies to 4: 4r(4)

Therefore, the GCF of 20r - 4 is 4r.

To find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 20r - 4, we can factor out any common factors from the given expression and simplify it.

In this case, we can notice that both terms, 20r and -4, are divisible by 4. Let's factor out 4:

20r - 4 = 4(5r - 1)

Now, looking at the expression 5r - 1, we can see that there are no further common factors that can be factored out.

Therefore, the GCF of 20r - 4 is 4.