A topic sentence introducing a main fact followed by supporting details should appear in

each of the body paragraphs
one of the body paragraphs
the introduction paragraph
the conclusion paragraph

A topic sentence introducing a main fact followed by supporting details should appear in each of the body paragraphs.

A topic sentence introducing a main fact followed by supporting details should appear in each of the body paragraphs.

When writing an essay or a piece of academic writing, the body paragraphs serve as the main part of your work where you present arguments and supporting evidence. Each body paragraph typically focuses on one central idea or point that contributes to your overall thesis statement.

To structure your body paragraphs effectively, it is important to include a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. The topic sentence should introduce the main fact or argument that will be discussed in that specific paragraph. It helps to establish a clear focus and provides a roadmap for the reader.

Following the topic sentence, you should provide supporting details or evidence to further explain and reinforce your main point. These supporting details can include examples, statistics, quotes, or any other relevant information that substantiates your argument.

By including topic sentences and supporting details in each of your body paragraphs, you ensure that your essay is well-organized and coherent. This approach also helps readers understand the main points of your essay and how they contribute to your overall thesis.