You work with people from many different backgrounds.


express your ideas
express your ideas

avoid criticism
avoid criticism

be tolerant
be tolerant

question others

question others

question others

listen actively
listen actively

provide constructive feedback
provide constructive feedback

be open-minded
be open-minded

embrace diversity
embrace diversity

To express your ideas effectively, make sure to communicate clearly and confidently. Start by organizing your thoughts and identifying the main points you want to convey. Use active listening skills to engage with others and show interest in their perspectives as well. When sharing your ideas, be open to feedback and willing to have a constructive conversation.

Avoiding criticism involves refraining from making negative judgments or derogatory remarks about others' backgrounds or opinions. Instead, focus on understanding and appreciating diversity. If you disagree with someone, try to express your viewpoint respectfully and provide specific reasons for your perspective. Promote a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Being tolerant means being accepting and respectful of the differences among individuals, including their backgrounds, beliefs, and opinions. It's important to cultivate an open-minded attitude and avoid making assumptions or stereotypes about others. Actively seek to understand different perspectives and engage in dialogue that encourages mutual understanding.

Questioning others can be a valuable way to deepen your understanding and explore different viewpoints. When questioning others, it's important to do so with respect and genuine curiosity, rather than with the intention to challenge or criticize. Ask open-ended questions that encourage thoughtful responses and promote further discussion. Remember to listen actively and consider the perspectives shared by others.